Call for a United Nations Panel on Parental Alienation



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This is our call for a Bi-Annual Panel of worldwide experts on "Parental Alienation" – a commonly used term for diagnosable mental health issues related to parent-child relationships in divorce and separation.


Recognizing that the family is the bedrock and least divisible unit of societies, cultures, and nations worldwide, this issue is undoubtedly an epidemic. Regardless of culture or country, for a child to thrive and prosper, there is no better response than the love, guidance, and wisdom of their birth parents and extended family. Numerous studies, spanning generations from time immemorial, affirm this simple fact of human existence.


Our objective is to bring together global experts on "Parental Alienation" and related pathologies outlined in the current DSM-5 and ICD-11. They will present papers on current standards, knowledge, and testing, providing insight into where we, as a collective of the brightest minds, stand in our understanding of this critical issue.


Sharing progress made in various countries, seeking solutions, and discussing outcomes are of utmost importance to ending "PA." This is not just a family matter; it is a mental health crisis.


As a species, human beings have demonstrated their ability to focus efforts on becoming aware of, resolving, and eradicating threats. Ensuring that children are allowed to love and be loved by both parents, protecting this basic right – this "foundation of being" – from infringement is crucial. Acknowledging, addressing, and treating the forces and psycho-dynamics at play not only in families but also in society at large is imperative.


Unfortunately, as highlighted in our blog, “Who Protects Children” a timeline from 1800 to 2013 demonstrates the lack of intervention by the United States government. It is clear that organizations, unions, and other concerned individuals have historically acted for the betterment of children, contributing to the passing of laws.


These organizations, non-profits, and NGOs continue to follow in those footsteps, calling for you to "Join Your Voice" in our global plea for a coordinated response to this widespread epidemic. .


Mark J Sullivan